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Welcome to the CDX Technologies April
2017 Newsletter
We are pleased to introduce a new product, CDXGeoData,
which makes our location analytics available on software platforms
like the Mac. Our blog article announcing this product can be
found here.
CDXZipStream data feeds from the American Community
Survey for state, county, ZCTA (ZIP Code), place, and
CBSA geographies have also been updated to include the latest
data from the Census Bureau.
Apps and Web Services
We've just introduced CDXGeoData
to expand our offering of location analytics software.
CDXGeoData is a set of spreadsheets apps and web service APIs that
work with a variety of software platforms including Windows, the
Apple Mac and Linux. We've designed this product so it can be
used by standard business professionals as well as programmers to
develop custom desktop or web based applications. Currently our
products CDXZipStream and CDXStreamer only work with Windows versions
of Microsoft Excel. CDXGeoData dramatically expands this
CDXGeoData is not licensed on a per user basis like
CDXZipStream. Any number of users can access the
CDXGeoData service with a single API key. Tokens are used to
access CDXGeoData with different levels for each service
request. Simple requests may only require 1 token while more
complex analysis like radius analysis will require more. A free account API key is available
that supports up to 1000 tokens each month for development,
evaluation and non-profit use.
Our initial release includes API web services that
support address correction, ZIP and ZIP+4 lookup, distance, lists and
radius calculations. We've also created a set of 7
Excel spreadsheet apps that work with these
services. These templates have been designed to work both
with Excel for the Mac and well as Excel for Windows. Just
enter your API key and paste in your data to get the reports you
If you have one of our current products you might ask
why you might need this service. Not all customers have every
feature available and might need to do a one-time radius analysis or
demographic report. You might also want to distribute a radius
analysis to a wide variety of users in your company. CDXGeoData
would allow you to produce a custom Excel template or intranet site
that could be distributed without requiring any additional software
to be deployed. You just pay for the number of token requests
you need.
ACS Data Feeds Updated with Latest Census Data
The CDXZipStream ACS data feeds for state, county, ZIP
code (ZCTA), place, and CBSA (Core-Based Statistical Area) have been
updated with the latest data releases from the U.S. Census Bureau.
These data are from the American Community Survey, which surveys about
1 out of every 38 households every year. These feeds are available in
the CDXZipStream Premium ACS version.
Data for all geographies are aggregated over the years
2011 through 2015, except for states which are derived soley from the
2015 survey.
The demographic areas covered in all ACS feeds are:
age, population, household size, household income, individual
earnings, race and ethnicity, educational attainment, school
enrollment, housing value and rent, mortgage status, and marital
status. For a full listing of all data fields included in the feeds,
please download the CDXZipStream Data Feed and Definitions file here.
If you already own CDXZipStream ACS Premium, you can
update your data feeds by logging into your on-line account on
CDXTech.com and under My Account and Product Management, selecting
"Buy Data Update". To upgrade your current
license to the CDXZipStream ACS Premium version, select "Upgrade
License" in the account area and follow the purchasing process.
The latest data will automatically be included with your
Latest Data
Canadian and U.S. data feeds of
CDXZipStream were updated as of April 17. There were 100
changes made to the U.S. database this month. If you would like
to update your database to reflect these changes, select the
"Account" option on the CDXZipStream commandbar and click
on "Check for Available Database Updates". You can
then update each database as required.
CDXZipStream updates are a
part of the one-year software maintenance subscription included with
your purchase. If you would like to extend your
subscription, please sign in to the CDX Technologies website and from
the account area for CDXZipStream, select "Buy Data
As always we hope you find
the information here helpful for you and your organization. You
can contact us with your feedback and suggestions by replying to
this email.
Team at CDX Technologies
This Issue
CDXGeodata Apps and Web Services
ACS Data Feeds Updated with Latest Census Data
Data Updates