Census Tract
Demographics as Market Research Tool
The CDXZipStream data feed CDXTract offers an extensive range of
demographics data such as individual earnings, household income and
size, marital status, educational attainment, school enrollment,
race, gender, population, and age. Our ZIP code feeds offer the same
data, but census tracts offers a significant advantage since
they are on average about half the population of zip code areas, and
the smaller size provides a more accurate demographic snapshot.
Census tracts are the smallest geography that can provide
statistically significant data from the U.S. Census American
Community Survey.
But if you have a list of potential customers, for example, how
do you identify the census tracts for their addresses and link them
to their respective demographics? Each census tract is
identified by a unique U.S. Census FIPS code, and we offer a free,
downloadable Excel template that first geocodes each address (using
CDXZipStream and Microsoft MapPoint) and then uses an FCC on-line
resource to find the FIPS. The codes are then used as the input
to CDXTract, as shown in the short tutorial below:

Census Tract Demographics for an Address List
So how do you
use this data as part of your marketing plan? There are a lot
of marketing resources available on the web and through trade
organizations; here are a few good articles to get you started:
- How to Use Demographics to Drive Business
- The Importance of Demographics to Marketing
- Know
Your Target Market
- Conducting Market Research
- How to Find Content Ideas in Demographic Data
The CDXTract feed costs $199.95, and the Excel template for obtaining
FIPS codes is a free download from our links
page. If you already own a demographics version of
CDXZipStream, you can login to your on-line account on CDXTech.com
and under My Account and Product Management, select "Buy Data
Update" to obtain CDXTract. If you would like to
upgrade your license to any of the demographic versions to use
CDXTract, select "Upgrade License" from your account area
and follow the purchasing process.