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Welcome to the CDX Technologies August
2018 Newsletter
This month we cover a new CDXZipStream Distance Matrix
template, a demographic data update, and how to upgrade your
CDXZipStream version.
Here is our latest blog posting -
CDXZipStream ZIP Code Distance Matrix Template
We've added a new tool to our suite of templates to
calculate a distance matrix using the CDXDistance formula.
CDXDistance is a straight-line "as-the-crow-flies" distance
calculation for ZIP Codes, available in the CDXZipSteam Lite version
and higher. Because all the calculations are based on our local
database this operation is extremely fast and can work on large data
sets easily. This template is free and will work with both registered
and demo versions of CDXZipStream. The template can be downloaded here.
This allows an easy comparison of all combinations of
potential ZIP Codes. Just enter your ZIP Code lists across one column
and one row and press "Calculate" to proceed. An option is
available to return distance in miles, kilometers or nautical miles.
The template is also able to process Canadian postal codes if that
CDXZipStream option is installed.
You can visit the templates
page on our website to download this and many other free CDXZipStream
If you have the CDXZipStream Premium version or better
we've just released an update to the CDXCBSA, CDXCounty and CDXState
database tables. Population estimates have been added for the 8-year
period 2010-2017 with the latest data from the U.S. Census. Monthly
unemployment data has also been updated through June 2018.
How to Upgrade Your CDXZipStream Version
If you need to add additional features or demographics
to the CDXZipStream version you purchased there is no need to pay
full list price. You can upgrade to any higher version for just the
difference in price as listed in the CDXZipStream pricing
table. For instance, if you own the
"Basic" version of CDXZipStream and wish to upgrade to
"Premium" you can upgrade for $100 ($299.95-$199.95).
To upgrade, log into your cdxtech.com online
account and in the CDXZipStream dropdown menu select
"Upgrade Licenses". Then just select the version you want
and confirm your purchase information. Once purchased, you will need
to reinstall and reactivate the CDXZipStream software. If you
upgraded to a Premium demographics version you will also need to
download the associated database.
Canadian and U.S. data feeds of CDXZipStream were
updated as of August 25. If you would like to update your
database to reflect these changes, select the
"Account" option on the CDXZipStream commandbar and click
on "Check for Available Database Updates". You can
then update each database as required. Please note that updates
for the classic version of CDXZipStream have been discontinued.
CDXZipStream updates are a part of the one-year
software maintenance subscription included with your purchase.
If you would like to extend your subscription, please sign in to
the CDX Technologies website and from the account area for CDXZipStream,
select "Buy Data Update". The maintenance
agreement also includes access to the latest version of CDXZipStream.
If you are using our discontinued "Classic" version you can
upgrade to the current software by purchasing this subscription at a
fraction of the list price.
As always we hope you find the information here
helpful for you and your organization. You can contact us
with your feedback and suggestions by replying to this email.
The Team at CDX Technologies
ZIP Code Distance Matrix Template
to Upgrade Your CDXZipStream Version