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Welcome to the CDX Technologies August
2019 Newsletter
This week we announce the release of a new version of
our Geographic Access Analysis template, which now provides radius
reports based on driving distance as well as straight-line
distance. We also cover the new Maptitude support added
to our CDXZipStream templates.
Here is a link to our latest Blog postings:
Geographic Access Analysis Template Update
Do you have the need to identify company locations or
resources that are closest to a long list of customers? We've
talked about our Geographic Access Analysis template as a solution to
this in prior blog
articles and videos such as the following:
The template initially produces a straight-line "as-the-crow-flies"
distance report so it can rapidly sort and compare locations, tens of
thousands at a time. This latest release now includes a driving
distance report so that the top locations received can be sorted by
driving distance as well. Distance can be output in kilometers
as well as miles and we've made improvements in calculation
times. The template also now supports Maptitude data as well
Bing and Mappoint to reduce the cost when analyzing long lists of
The Geographic Access Analysis template is now on sale
at $99.95 and can be purchased in your online cdxtech.com account in
the "Buy Data Update" menu. This includes support and
access to the latest template for 12 months. A demo of the template
is also now available by contacting sales@cdxtech.com.
Maptitude Support Added to CDXZipStream Templates
We updated all CDXZipStream templates that involve
geocoding and routing to include Caliper Maptitude support. In
addition to supporting Bing and Mappoint, a third option is now
available for Maptitude. To use it, just select Maptitude from
the map data source dropdown, as shown below.
Adding Caliper Maptitude allows you to make an
unlimited number of requests for a one-time cost of a license.
Just copy in your address data and press a button to calculate.
There is no need to learn the details about CDXZipStream or its
They are available to both registered versions of
CDXZipStream and demo users. All are digitally signed so they
can be run in secure environments that require this. Visual Basic for
Applications (VBA) macro language provides the automation that powers
the templates as described in prior blog articles. These applications
are available for download at the following link.
Latest Data Updates
Canadian and U.S. data feeds of CDXZipStream were
updated as of August 23. If you would like to update your
database to reflect these changes, select the
"Account" option on the CDXZipStream menu in Excel and
click on "Check for Available Database Updates". You
can then update each database as required.
CDXZipStream updates are a part of the one-year
software maintenance subscription included with your purchase.
If you would like to extend your subscription, please sign in to
the CDX Technologies website and from the account area for
CDXZipStream, select "Buy Data Update". The
maintenance agreement also includes access to the latest version of
CDXZipStream. If you are using our discontinued "Classic"
version you can upgrade to the current software by purchasing this
subscription at a fraction of the list price.
As always, we hope you find the information here
helpful for you and your organization. You can contact us
with your feedback and suggestions by replying to this email.
The Team at CDX
Access Analysis Template
Support Added to CDXZipStream Templates