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Welcome to the CDX Technologies January
2019 Newsletter
We cover updates to our CDXZipStream database to
include the latest American Community Survey (ACS) data for the years
2013-2017 from the U.S. Census. We also have a special offer on
our updated ACS Census Tract database.
Here is our latest blog posting:
- CDXZipStream Bulk FindZip Template
ACS Data Feeds Updated with Latest Census Data
The CDXZipStream ACS data feeds for
state, county, ZIP code (ZCTA), place, and CBSA (Core-Based
Statistical Area) have been updated with the latest data releases
from the U.S. Census Bureau. These data are from the American
Community Survey, which surveys about 1 out of every 38 households
every year. These feeds are available in the CDXZipStream Premium ACS
version. Data are aggregated over the years 2013 through 2017,
with the exception of state demographics, which are provided for the
year 2017.
The demographic areas covered in all ACS feeds are:
age, population, household size, household income, individual
earnings, race and ethnicity, educational attainment, school
enrollment, housing value and rent, mortgage status, and marital
status. For a full listing of all data fields included in the feeds,
please download the CDXZipStream Data Feeds and Definitions
file here.
If you already own CDXZipStream ACS Premium and have
an active data maintenance contract, select the "Account"
option on the CDXZipStream Excel menu and click on "Check for
Available Database Updates". Then select the option to update
your premium database.
For users without an active account you can update
your data feeds by logging into your on-line account on CDXTech.com.
Under "My Account", then "Product Management",
select "Buy Data Update" and then purchase the Premium
Maintenance contract. If you don't have the correct
CDXZipStream version select "Upgrade License" in the
account area and select the option to upgrade to the ACS version. The
latest data will automatically be included with your purchase.
Special Offer - Get the Latest ACS Data by Census
We've also updated the CDXZipStream Census Tract data
feed from the American Community Survey for the years 2013-2017.
The feed includes all census tracts in both the U.S. and Puerto
Rico, and covers a wide array of demographic data such as: age,
individual earnings, educational attainment, household size,
household income, housing value and rent, marital status, population,
race, and school enrollment. Most of these where relevant are
also provided by gender.
Since census tracts are on average about half the size
of ZIP Codes, they offer a more precise demographic snapshot. A
complete listing and description of each demographic variable is
provided in the downloadable document CDXZipStream Data Feeds and Definitions.
Here's a quick tutorial on how to use CDXZipStream to
retrieve census tract data:

Census Tract
Demographics for an Address List
To access the data, census tract codes (also referred
to as FIPS codes) must be provided as input to an Excel worksheet.
CDX Technologies also offers a free Excel template that can
identify census tract codes for an address list - please see the
article Get Census Tract FIPS Codes in an Excel Template
for more details.
The census tract database is compatible with all
demographic versions of CDXZipStream. It is a separate purchase
normally priced at $199.95, and is now on-sale until February 28 for
Canadian and U.S. data feeds of CDXZipStream were
updated as of January 28. If you would like to update your
database to reflect these changes, select the
"Account" option on the CDXZipStream commandbar and click
on "Check for Available Database Updates". You can
then update each database as required.
CDXZipStream updates are a part of the one-year
software maintenance subscription included with your purchase.
If you would like to extend your subscription, please sign in to
the CDX Technologies website and from the account area for
CDXZipStream, select "Buy Data Update". The maintenance
agreement also includes access to the latest version of CDXZipStream.
If you are using our discontinued "Classic" version you can
upgrade to the current software by purchasing this subscription at a
fraction of the list price.
As always, we hope you find the information here
helpful for you and your organization. You can contact us
with your feedback and suggestions by replying to this email.
The Team at CDX Technologies
Data Feeds Updated with Latest Census Data
Offer - Get the Latest ACS Data by Census Tract