In September 2021, the US Census began releasing Census 2020 data
as part of the PL (Public Law) 94-171 redistricting data
update. This is a partial data release and includes
population totals, race, Hispanic ethnicity and some housing
data. Detailed population totals by age and sex were not part of
this update.
As part of our CDXZipStream October 2021 release we’ve updated the
databases where this data could be applied. This includes the
CDXState, CDXCBSA, CDXCounty, and CDXPlace databases. Please note
that the Census has not yet released data for the ZCTA zip code
geography (Zip Code Tabulation Areas). So we have not updated
our premium Zip Code tables with any census 2020 data.
These demographic databases are part of the CDXZipStream Premium
and CDXZipStream Premium ACS products. To receive the update in these
versions, press the "Account" button in the CDXZipStream Excel menu and
then use the "Check for Available Database Updates" button.
A summary of the specific database changes can be found in the
following file. Rather
than leave in census 2010 results for the unavailable fields, we’ve
added 2019 American Community Survey data instead so that you will have
the most recent results. Other fields were also updated with
the latest data such as population estimates, unemployment and other
business statistics.