CDXZipStream can create radius, drive time, route and location maps using Microsoft MapPoint. Using MapPoint in the background, you can directly insert Maps in an Excel worksheet using the right-click functions. This feature is in addition to the CDXZipCode functions that insert hyperlinks to MapQuest and Google maps. This feature requires Microsoft MapPoint (for North American and/or Europe) and is only available in CDXZipStream Basic and Premium versions. The maps are "snapshot" files and cannot be directly edited.
Using the CDXRadius function, select "Insert Radius Map" in the "Result Output" dropdown list to create a custom radius map around a zip code, as shown below.
Also with the CDXRadius function, select "Insert Drive Time Map" in the "Result Output" dropdown list to display a polygon delineating the area within a specific drive time of the zip code:
With the CDXRouteMP function, choose "Insert Route Map" in the "Route Calculation" list:
Using the CDLocateMP function, select "Insert Location Map" in the "Returned Data" list create a custom map as shown below.