CDXZipStream is compatible with Excel 2003(XP), 2007, 2010, and 2013 and 2016 for Windows and will run in Windows XP and higher. It is compatible with both 32 and 64-bit versions of Excel and Windows.
The recommended system configuration is a computer running Microsoft Windows® XP Professional or higher with a Pentium IV processor and 512 megabytes (MB) of RAM. Minimum system requirements for Office products are available here from the Microsoft website.
To use the CDXRouteBing and CDXLocateBing right-click functions, you must obtain a Bing Maps license key and enter it into CDXZipStream. Bing Maps Enterprise keys can be obtained from authorized distributors such as OnTerra Systems. Basic keys are available from Microsoft. Here is a short tutorial showing how you can get a free Bing Maps key from the Microsoft website.
To use the CDXRouteMaptitude and CDXLocateMP right-click functions, you must install the application Microsoft MapPoint®. CDXZipStream is compatible with the 2002 through 2013 versions of MapPoint NA and Europe. As of December 2014, Microsoft discontinued sellling MapPoint, although it is still available from some software resellers and a free trial can be downloaded here from the Microsoft website.
Please contact us about customizing CDXZipStream for other Microsoft Office applications.